Literature is with which every educated human express his feeling to common public. It is the one that doesnt fits to a single field or community. Any one can use Literature to express feeling of any of his idea. Eg: Now recently Microsoft has composed a tune with Parikrama "A Song of SuperHeroes" meaning the life Software Developers.
Tamil Literature infact haves a long history, containing of legends from Thivalluvar to todays Kaviperarasu Vairamuthu. Here we present some entertainment of literature of all category and languages from anyone interested.

Artists thought on the general life happenings

A fine place for Tamil teens, the sweet kavithai pages.

Life runs with the belief of inevitable spirit in human soul, says Mr. Premanad in his cute poem(English).
The above words are quotes from the founder saying Love is God. 
Project Madurai is an open and voluntary initiative to collect and publish free electronic editions of ancient tamil literary classics.
All etexts are distributed in both web/html and PDF formats. |