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OTRAN Mini v1.0 Final Release

Otran Mini is a cut down version of the OTRAN Powerpack which contains complete features. It is built as tuned for high performance with low features. So the software doesnt consumes your mobiles scarce memory and cpu, until your mobile gets stolen.

This release of Spying software engineered at CMans Studios Laboratories targetting the Series60 2nd edition mobile devices. The software is designed to assist the process of tracking the mobile devices when the gets stolen. The software help tracking the device even when the SIM card in the device is changed.

The idea is that the software keep tracks of the event of an unauthorized change of SIM card and informs this information about new SIM card used, to an another mobile phone(safety number)via SMS. This another (safety)number is specified by mobile device owner when he installed the software. So the device owner can get further assistance from police in getting back the device with the information provided by the software to safety number.

The only additional feature in Otran Mini is,

* Sound based device locating of device, even when the device is in silent profile.

The main advantage of the software is how it cheats the third parties from knowing the existance of the software. Even the SMS oriented commands send to the software from another device by the owner are not seen outside.

The software product is customer oriented and built such a way that,

"Install configure immediately and forget about it until software needs u"

Steps to use Use the software :

1.) Download the software

2.) Install the software into you device

The installer automatically launches the user interface once the installation is completed. Dont forget to configure the settings now itself(Ofcourse you cant exit the software without getting the mandatory settings done). If you configure with a passcode correctly first time, then you can change them any time. User interface helps configuring and looks as below figure,

In settings,

My Phone No . is you own phone number (Without International code). Eg : 9894198941.

Safety Number is another mobile number like your fathers or spouse mobile number which will get intimated when your mobile is stolen and the thief changes the SIM Card. So you can get the current phone number the thief is using based on the information sent by the Spy. (Without International code). Eg : 9894012345.

Passcode is a numeric secret code you should use for any interaction to the software again. So dont forget it. Its maximum of 8 numbers length.

When you exit the software it automatically reboots the device for the first time after installation alone. Dont panic it is for smooth working of your software.

3.) Launching User Interface

In Otran Mini the User Interface is directly available in the Applications Menu of your device.

So you can log into into with the Passcode you configured previously. Ofcourse the User Interface gets hidden when the thief changes the SIM Card.

Note: The user interface icon in Applications Menu of device is not available to thief once he changes the SIM Card.

4.) Locating via Sound

If you doubt that the thief who stole your mobile is in your close proximity(Like one of your office mate have stolen it and now you are in office) and have changed the SIM card and you have got the mobile number that thief is using by the Otran Mobile Stolen Info delivered to your Safety number. Then how can you locate the device immediately? Ofcourse what if the thief has kept the device in silent mode and i cannot dial a call and locate via ringtone also?

My software provides a provision where you can send an sms from an other mobile and you can hear a high pitch tone even if the mobile is in silent mode.

The command format,

Otran Siren <passcode>


Otran Siren 153

Note: But the only way to turn of the sound is by turning off the mobile device.

5.) Resetting the Software after Retrieving Stolen Mobile

When the mobile is tracked back and got into your hand safe, the software has to be resetted inorder to get the ability to launch user interface to alter the settings. The user interface wont be available until you do below step.

Send the following command to the new phone number(SIM card inserted by you) after getting the device back to hand from thief,

Command format,

Otran Unblock <passcode>


Otran Unblock 153

Now you can follow the usual procedure to launch the user interface and configure the software for the new SIM Card you have inserted into your device.

6) Owner Changing the SIM Card

When the mobile owner himself wants to change the SIM card he wont be wanting the safety number getting intimated about this and dont want his contacts to be archived. In such case just choose Change Sim Card option in user interface menu,

switch off the device and change your simcard.

Note: When device is rebooted the Spy is automatically reactivated, it is only temporarily deactivated by user interface for the present launch. The user should then launch the user interface inorder to configure the software for new SIM Card.

7.) Uninstall this Application

Due to the hidden mode of operation the entries in Application Manager of the device is hidden. Inorder to remove follow the steps

a) Launch the user interface

b) Choose Uninstall from user interface menu

c) Launch the Application manager, uninstall and reboot the device.

Otran Remote SMS Commands List

The commands design was taken care to be kept so simple to address the quoted issue from Bjarne Stroustup,

“I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone; my wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone”

Command Type

Command Format

Locating via Sound

Otran Siren <passcode>

Resetting the Software after Retrieving Stolen Mobile

Otran Unblock <passcode>



Software -- -- 73KB

Documentation -- OTRANMiniReadme.pdf -- 418 KB

Warning and Disclaimer: The software is provided ‘as is' without any warranty of any kind. CMans Studios is not responsible for any loss or damage to your Phone, SIM, or any data therein whilst using the software. The software doesn't promise you 100% safety measure and it's possible to crack when the thief is technically skilled in the domain. It's just an add-on support. We don't assure you any guarantee if any damage caused on using the software.



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